I've been getting really far into Remembering You; the first book in The Seer Trilogy and have come to about 10,000 or so words. No, it's definitely more than that. And I wanted to share with you the Theme songs to these books. They've been helping me write this series and has influenced a lot of the stories that happened.
Having another Violet Chains giveaway to celebrate my best friends birthday. Make sure you enter on goodreads. Along with that, if you don't win one of the 3 signed copies of Violet Chains, don't get discouraged. I will be having a giveaway to celebrate the birthdays of each of my family members, leading up to the release of Blue Glass where I will be giving away both Violet Chains and Blue Glass. Both copies signed as well. So hopefully you all enter to discover my world of the Vamon.
Over the years Blue Glass has gone through many transformations. From a girl who knows what she is and loses her best friend ony to meet a guy with the same name, to a story where none of them know their purpose. And for some reason it all feels incredibly repettitive that it doesn't feel right. Which leads me to this important announcement.
I've realized something the past several months I have been writing. Writing has become an escape for me. It's the one thing I can do that blocks everyone around me and I can visit a world that I've created the way I want it. The people in it are the people I can't live without. And their love is something I wish for. Saying that, I can't wait to create more worlds and more stories that also involve real life situations. Anyway on to the goals of this past month.