Going through several covers to find the perfect one is something I often do, but when the one and it speaks out to you, you have to marry it. That means completely devoted and faithful to it. No cheating. Never look back on your past Cover loves just move forward.
Anyway with that said I just wanted to post a few covers that were a stepping stone to the branc spanking new cover that I will reveal as the days grow closer to the republication.
Here's a cover of when the chains were actually vines in the book and they were comanded by Silas. Until I realized, that sounds wack chains would be so much better.
The following cover is of when Violet Chains was going to be called Voice along with my former penname.
This cover I was sure was the one and in fact published the first Violet Chains with this cover. But I'm afraid to say the cover is no more. The new cover carries elements from the book onto it. And as you read it you'll see the scenes on the cover itself.
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